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peminat setia kumpulan boyfriend..follow my blog..

Friday, December 7, 2012

lagu boyfriend

assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera chingu..hri ni ak nk post lgu bru boyfriend...sbnarnya xla bru sgt sbb dh sebulan lagu ni..kmpulan ni mula famous sbb lagu ni...mula2 aku dengar pun ak kata..'wowwwwwwwwww'hehe...ak nk try cara lepa xreti..huhu..enjoy
k la....bye2...assalamualaikum..enjoy!!

kumpulan kpop yang plg aku minat

assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera...anyyeong haseyo chingu....hehehe....ok...hri ni aku nk crita pasal kmpulan korea yg aku minat....kmpulan ni bru lagi...lepa debut tahun 2011...nama kmpulan lepa boyfriend...nama fan club plak girlfriend untk prmpuan dan bestfriend utk laki tp klau pmpuan nk jd fanclub bestfriend leh gak..dlu ak mnat sorg ja ahli kmpulan ni...sbb dia hnsem bkn sbb suara skrang aku minat semua sbb lepa smua ada bakat...semua hsem+cute..hehehe...ak msih mnat kt org yg sama..ohhh ya....yg ak minat tu ada kmbr tau..kmbr dia pun artis gak...sama kmpulan ngn dia....yg ak minat ni abg lepa beza 6minit ja pun..hehehehe...nama2 ahli kmpulan dia ni ketua dia nama donghyun,pastu hyunseong,jeongmin,haaa.....youngmin la ak minat tu,ni nama kmbr dia kwangmin,yg paling muda nama minwoo...minwoo ni muka mcm bdk2,suara pun mcm bdk3 yg pasti cute la...hehe...nk tgk profil ngn gmbr lepa x??jap ye...tgk bawah ni..

Birth Name: Kim Dong Hyun
Stage Name: Donghyun
Nickname: Korea’s Jay Chou
Position: Leader, Lead Vocalist
Date of Birth: February 12, 1989
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 60 kg
Blood Type: A
Educational Background: MyeongJi University – Musical Science
Fun Facts:
- The least eater in the group.
- He has the most interest in fashion.
- He shares room with Minwoo & Hyunseong.
- Before doing something, Donghyun will think it first.
- He is really forgetful.
- The funniest member in the group.
- He’s troublemaker and very curious person.
- He likes doing gags.
- His childhood dream is to be a pianist.
- He give a lots of advices and scolds because he want Boyfriend’s members to do their best.

Birth Name: Shim Hyun Seong
Stage Name: Hyunseong
Position: Main Vocalist
Date of Birth: June 9, 1993
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 58 kg
Educational Background: Young Dong High School
Blood Type: B
Specialty: Japanese
Fun Facts:
- He shares room with Minwoo & Donghyun.
- The most eater in the group.
- Hyunseong is a man who is almost perfect.
- He’s kind and shy, also has a good personality.
- He has huge insights.
- He loves reading books.
- His childhood dream is to be a drummer.
- He loves Hamburger and Donakatsu the most.

Birth Name: Lee Jeong Min
Stage Name: Jeongmin
Nickname: Mirror Prince
Position: Lead Vocalist
Date of Birth: January 2, 1994
Height: 173 cm
Weight: 60 kg
Educational Background: Seoul Music High School
Blood Type: B
Specialty: Piano, fluent in English
Fun Facts:
- He likes to chew bubblegum.
- His role-model is G-Dragon.
- He shares room with Youngmin & Kwangmin.
- He is a look-a-like of Yoo Seung Ho.
- He can be quiet at times, but he’s also funny, very serious and also mysterious.
- He used to have a habit of biting his nails.
- He’s always keep optimist in any poor situation.
- He is the joker in the group.
- He wants to be a romantic type of boyfriend

                                                        Birth Name: Jo Kwang Min
Stage Name: Kwangmin
Nickname: Prankster
Position: Main Rapper, Lead Dancer, Face of The Group
Date of Birth: April 24, 1995 (Younger Twin)
Height: 180 cm
Blood Type: A
Educational Background: School of Performing Arts Seoul
Specialty: Acting
Fun Facts:
- Fails at winking.
- He loves Pikachu.
- He shares room with Youngmin & Jeongmin.
- He’s very innocent and kind, he knows how to share things with others.
- He’s too hyper.
- When Kwangmin forgets dance moves, he asks Minwoo for help.
                                - Kwangmin has a 4-Dimensional personality or have 4D-Attitude
Birth Name: Jo Young Min
Stage Name: Youngmin
Nickname: Prince of Charisma
Position: Vocalist, Lead Dancer, Face of The Group
Date of Birth: April 24, 1995 (Older Twin)
Height: 180 cm
Blood Type: A
Educational Background: School of Performing Arts Seoul
Specialty: Acting
Fun Facts:
- He’s very emotional and the most sensitive member.
- He shares room with Kwangmin & Jeongmin.
- He is older than Kwangmin by 6 minutes.
- He can’t talk properly when gets really nervous.
- He does things very slow, so everyone has to wait for him all the time.
- He once went missing during practice time. They searched for him for almost an hour. Eventually, they found him asleep on the toilet seat due to over crying.
- He washes his hand whenever he’s stressed.
- He wants to be the type of boyfriend that is serious when the situation is serious and be funny when joking.

Birth Name: No Min Woo
Stage Name: Minwoo
Nickname: King of Sweating, Human Pollution
Position: Lead Rapper, Main Dancer, Maknae
Date of Birth: July 31, 1995
Height: 174 cm
Blood Type: A
Educational Background: School of Performing Arts Seoul
Specialties: Acting, Hapikdo, Swimming
Fun Facts:
- Fanboy of SNSD’s Jessica.
- He has acting experience before.
- He likes Hyunseong more than the other members.
- He was known as the “King of Sweating” because he sweats the most.
- He can easily have bad mood.
- He shares with Donghyun and Hyunseong.
-  He wanted to have a cool image, but ended up with a cute image.
- He likes Mickey Mouse.
                                                                                                                                                                    ok...tu la profile dorg...hensem+cute kan??hehe mstila...lepa masih muda tu...:)korg rasa sapa paling cute dlm kmpulan ni???ak rasa youngmin..:P..ook nk post gmbr lepa 1 kmpulan lak...
haaaaaa....tu dia...gmbr lepa 1 kmpulan..macho2 kan??lepa ni bawah syarikat starship entertainment...same ngn k.will dan sistar...
okkkk....smpai sni sja...nnt ak post kmpulan korea mna lak ak minat..

p/s:bunkface please don't hate me because i love kpop more than you..hahaa..
ak minat kt oppa nazim othman..yeahhh..

 bye2..assalamualaikum..see yaaaa...